Every organization should be doing email marketing. At Platinum Passports Marketing, we believe this is vital for a multi-person enterprise or just one individual, whether the activity is commercial business or not-for-profit. All should be marketing through email. Why? Because email is a central communication tool which is not going away any time soon.
It could be argued that email marketing is more important than having a website. You see this with start-up micro businesses. They promote their premises if they have a business location, like a new store or office. They get a cellphone number for the business, then display their phone number, email address and social media names. These are the essentials for getting enquiries. Next comes a website, which is vital for helping a start-up micro business grow into a larger undertaking where a website is essential for credibility, image and marketing.
In-bound email marketing operates at the most basic and reactive level with:
* Creating an email address for the business.
* Quoting your email address on your displays.
* Replying to emails that come in, and following up on your replies if you promised to.
* Creating a folder structure within your email account for customers, or groups of customers.
The next level of email marketing is where you scale up by getting out-bound and proactive:
* Capturing email addresses of people you deal with,
* Being proactive in publicizing your email address.
* Building lists of these email addresses for different categories of your contacts,
* Sending campaigns of email messages on a regular basis to your categorized lists of email addresses.
How often should I send out news emails? Many organizations send out generic monthly or weekly email newsletters, and overlay this schedule with tactical ad-hoc messages like the following:
* If you have paying customers, you can send special offers for your products or services at any time.
* At holidays, you could send out holiday greetings plus your opening hours over the holiday, and a holiday special offer.
* If there is something in the news, you could react to it with a message that is relevant to your business, as happened recently when an airline threw a customer off their plane and competing airlines got good publicity by releasing emails with entertaining messages with the agenda of ‘we won’t do this to you if you fly with us’.
* Special news can be sent to categories of customer, for example a beauty salon may have hired an expert barber for men’s hair. By segmenting your email list, you can send this news to your male customers but not to your female clients.
Our email marketing experts can help you to devise a strategy to suit your circumstances, and implement the strategy.
Ideally, your weekly or monthly emails would look like the first page of an email newsletter and have links to the full email newsletter which is hosted on your website. Our professional website designers can help put these together for you.
For your site, you could consider following the big corporates, many of which have:
* A newsletter section, sometimes on a subdomain, where the current issue and all past issues are hosted.
* A homepage panel with news about your current newsletter.
* Places where site visitors can sign up for your newsletters by giving you their email address.
* Places where your site can capture email addresses in other ways, to supplement the Newsletter Sign-Up process. We call these ‘Content Upgrade Prompts’.
These website features are how you get email addresses from site visitors, without blatantly asking for them. Called lead magnets or opt-in bribes, they are a powerful way to gather email addresses from people on your site. To do this, you create an inviting message which the site visitor can interact with to enable the visitor to get:
* Full versions of articles, white papers and resource lists.
* Transcripts of podcasts and videos.
* Printable versions of website pages.
* Free trials, tuition courses, and courses of weekly emails.
* Infographics, SlideShares, Swipe Files, PowerPoints and Spreadsheets.
Plus, of course, email newsletters.
Ask our website design experts for a free consultation about adding content upgrade prompts to your website.
In addition to creating the strategy and implementation of your email marketing, we can report on the results, with powerful information like:
* Who opened your email.
* Who clicked through to your site from your email.
* Where your email readers are located across the globe.
Contact us to learn more about how we bring the power of email marketing to boost the profitability of our clients. We could do it for you too!
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